The Birth of Xander | Virginia Beach Birth Photographer

What a story we have to tell with this birth!  At only 34 weeks pregnant, this momma went into early labor...and FAST early labor!  On the night he was born, I actually met with this couple at around 6pm to look at their maternity session images.  She looked a bit uncomfortable and I remember asking if she needed a glass of water or a different chair.  :D  About an hour and a half after they left, I got the first text saying that they were headed to the hospital to get checked out.  When they arrived, she was already dilated to 5 cm and only about an hour later, was 8-9cm!  I BARELY made it to the hospital in time and actually was not in the room when Xander was born at around 10:30pm.  But I was allowed in right after, when they knew he was doing well, to capture some of his first moments.

This was my first preemie birth and being allowed in the NICU was very special for me.  Xander is doing wonderfully and was just sent home today after only 10 days in the hospital.  What a strong, strong boy he is - and I can't wait to see him in the studio this week for his newborn portraits!  Congratulations to his parents and I hope you enjoy Xander's Birth Story!

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