Look! I'm sitting up! | Virginia Beach Baby Photographer

Here are three of my "Milestones Babies" - those who have chosen to take advantage of my Milestones Package to come see me at 3, 6, and 12 months.  Lately, I've been recommending that we hold off on our session until a particular milestone is met rather than simply scheduling the session for exactly 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.  At 3-4 months, a baby smiles really big and makes eye contact well.  At 6-8 months, a baby sits up on her own steadily and we are able to capture that wonderful point where he sits and smiles and waves his arms!  It's such a joy - and one of my all-time favorite ages to photograph.  These babies are all between 7-8 months old and are just now sitting up steadily on their own, so we scheduled their Milestones '6 month' Sitting Up session for last weekend.  A-DORABLE!!!

First up is Camille - we headed to the beach for her session and she showed off her yoga pose and then her pin-up girl attitude!!

Next up is Ethan.  His red hair and big grins made this an easy-peasy session of fun!

And finally, I'd like to introduce Emma.  Her mommy says that she doesn't always dress her up, but my goodness she was the perfect little thing when all dolled up!!

Hope you enjoyed these peeks - sitting up babies are the best!